NT vs. Unix

Tiedrich, Ellen ETiedrich at gccnj.edu
Mon Nov 16 15:35:20 EST 1998

We are in the market to upgrade or change our automated library system.
We currently have a GEAC Libsplus system operating on Unix platform.
The upgraded system must support a web-based catalog and Z39.50
protocol.  This campus is currently NT based and pressure to have the
Library Sytem compatible with this platform is forthcoming.  Does anyone
have experience with a commerically available NT system that can support
a multitype library consortia?  If anyone can comment on the scalability
or reliability of Unix vs NT it would be greatly appreciated.

Ellen Tiedrich
Automation Librarian
Gloucester County College
1400 Tanyard Road
Sewell, NJ 08080
FAX  609-464-1695

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