Web Chat Search Engines

Douglas Cornwell dougc at pb.seflin.org
Fri Oct 10 07:41:41 EDT 1997

Just curious if anyone knows of a search engine similar to Liszt and 
DejaNews that can be used exclusively to find chat sites.

I used Yahoo to search for chat and it works fairly well, but I hadn't 
really heard of a search engine just devoted to chat.

On the same note, I have been looking for a chat site that perhaps hosts 
political figures - representatives, senators, etc. (at both state and 
federal level).  You know where a political figure gets on and people are 
able to chat with the person about issues of concern to constituents.  I 
found Hotwired which is involved with political issues on the net - and 
others - but nothing that seemed to have as its focus different political 
figures.  Anyone know of such an animal?


Douglas Cornwell
E-Mail:  dougc at pb.seflin.org
Alternate E-Mail:  cornwell_d at popmail.firn.edu

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