color change for one cell

Real Rodrigue rodrigue.real at
Mon Nov 17 13:47:09 EST 1997

Isabel Danforth wrote:

> Is there a valid means of changing background color, for just one cell of a
> table?
> The following seems to  work on my win95 PC under both netscape 3 and
> communicator.  However under netscape 2, the background color does not
> change at all, and worse, is that under netscape 3 on another Win95 PC, IT
> only changed for the lines of text within the cell, not for the full 'box'
> itself.
> The actual page (it is only a test page) is at:
>   htt://
> The code involved is:
> <BODY BGCOLOR="ffdd99"  LINK="880088" VLINK="800000">
>  <h2><center><img src="book5.gif" align=bottom height=48 width=48
> alt="books and the world ">
> <b>Welcome to the Wethersfield Public Library<br></b></center>
> </h2><hr>
> <table WIDTH=100% cellspacing=5 valign=top>
>  <tr>
> <td width=40% align=left valign=top  bgcolor="#ffffff">
> <ul>  <strong>Selections</strong>
> <li><a href="about.htm">About Wethersfield Public Library</a>
> <li><a href="catalog.htm">Library Catalogs</a>
> <li><a href="">Town of
> Wethersfield</a>
> <li><a href="referenc.htm">Reference Services</a>
> <li><a href="kids.htm">Childrens page</a>
>  <li><a href="friends.htm">Friends of the Library</a>
> </ul>
> </td>
> <td width=60% valign=middle align=center>
> Wethersfield Public Library
>  <br>
> 515 Silas Deane Highway
>   <br>
> Wethersfield, Ct. 06109
>  <br>
> phone: 860-721-2985
>  <br>
> fax: 860-721-2991
> <br>
> </td>
> </tr>
> </table>
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Isabel L. Danforth   Reference Librarian, Wethersfield Public Library
> danforth at     Coordinator of Librarians' Online Support Team
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

 Your code looks OK to me. I had a look at it with NetScape Communicator 4.03
on a Macintosh. But, if I remember correctly, NetScape 2 did not have the
facility of viewing specific table colors: I think it came only with NetScape

Real Rodrigue, bibliothecaire               |       ooo ooo ooo  |
Services informatises                       |      ooo ooo ooo   |
Service des bibliotheques                   |     ooo ooo ooo    |
Universite du Quebec a Montreal (UQAM)      |    ooo ooo ooo     |
Tel: 514-987-3000 #4554                     |           ooo      |
Fax: 514-987-7787                           |          ooo       |
                                            |         ooo        |
rodrigue.real at                       |____________________|

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