Best Professional Association for "Cybrarians"

Gregory Szczyrbak gszczyrb at
Mon Nov 10 21:13:25 EST 1997

> Where do you belong and why?

	American Society for Information Science

	I am a new memeber, so I do not have a lot of information, however
I can say that their publication "Journal of the American Society of
Information Science" is chock full of information.  It is sometimes very
technical, but always very interesting.  They have a Library Automation
and Networks SIG. The ASIS web page is predictably located at

Happy hunting.

Gregory Szczyrbak			(717) 872-3645 DESK
Millersville University			(717) 872 3854 FAX
Ganser Library - Periodicals		gszczyrb at
Millersville, PA 17551	      

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