Electronic Brown Wrapper: Hustler via ILL

Laura Quilter lauramd at uic.edu
Fri Jun 6 17:21:54 EDT 1997

On Fri, 6 Jun 1997, Burt, David wrote:

> How often do patrons access hardcore porn from a public library
> terminal?  hundreds, maybe thousands of times a day.

as the widely varying comments from a variety of public librarians have
indicated, anecdotal evidence -- and even pure hypothesizing as you're
doing -- is not very helpful in predicting the situation for public
libraries as a whole, nor any one specific public library.

> >So I ask the question again....are you going to decide which of these ILL
> >requests you fill and which you don't?  And if you are, HOW?  Are you going
> >to research each potentially improper request and only then decide if you
> >should get the item or not?
> Yep, I sure would.  Wouldn't lose a second of sleep over it, either.

And is that part of your library's ILL policy?  Or would you do this

Laura M. Quilter   /   lauramd at uic.edu
Electronic Services Librarian
University of Illinois at Chicago

"If I can't dance, I don't want to be 
in your revolution."  -- Emma Goldman

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