ALA Virtual Participation

danforth danforth at
Tue Jul 29 22:04:54 EDT 1997

For anyone who would like to join us at 1 pm EDT on Wed, July 30, to  see
what the virtual meeting can be like, you can connect to DU as described here.

If you have Win95, you can use a graphical browser and go to
Enter the web gateway, fill in your name and password, and click on the
‘integrated’ method button.


Telnet to 8888 or use the URL telnet://
If you have problems with that address, try to connect to

or to get a MOO client, go to
	scroll down until you see `Here is a MOO client to help you connect’.  	
	Click on MOO Client and 	follow the instructions given.

At the login screen you will type co  guest, and answer the questions asked.  
This should bring you into the MOO.   Type @go #7339  or @join Ringer join us.

To see logs of previous sessions, and some help in connecting to DU, please
refer to our web page at:

If you have problems or questions, please feel free to email me at any time
at  danforth at

Here are some basic moo commands.

LOOK     Typing LOOK (just the word, nothing else) will show you the
         description of this room.
SAY      Type "   followed by your message in order to speak with someone in
        the   same room as you
         Example         "Hi there.
EMOTE   Type : followed by the action you wish to display.
           example    :raises hand
PAGE     If you wish to talk to someone who is not in the
         same room, you can use PAGE <PERSON> <MESSAGE>
         Example: PAGE Cathy Hi, how are you?
@QUIT    If you wish to leave the MOO, simply type '@quit'

L.O.S.T. staff

Isabel L. Danforth     Reference Librarian, Wethersfield Public Library
danforth at     	Co-Director of Librarians' Online Support Team 

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