Jon Lebkowsky jonl at
Wed Jul 2 07:36:24 EDT 1997

At 11:01 PM 6/30/97 -0700, Mark Wilden wrote:
>> From: Jon Lebkowsky <jonl at>
>> I leave it to you to explain to
>> me how John Henry Faulk could be considered "pornographic."
>It's an extremely naughty name. I certainly don't want my child exposed to
terms like "John Henry"
>and I don't want them to say "Faulk."

Jon Lebkowsky     *     jonl at     *
President, EFF-Austin

"Bring a child into the world, write a book,  assemble a machine, 
build a chair. Those who create have the sensation of playing 
a role  larger than themselves. Those who make no effort to 
create ... will be nothing."  -- Jacques Cousteau

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