web email

Richard J. Violette rviolett at socialaw.com
Thu Jan 9 05:06:59 EST 1997

Dear Susie Breidenbach,

You wrote:
> Does anyone know of any sites on the web where one can get a free 
> email account?  I don't mean regular ISP's...I mean sites where 
> people go and sign on and have an account--all via the web.

Some other people have mentioned HotMail already.  GeoCities also offers
free e-mail accounts.  The hitch is that you have to be a "homesteader",
i.e., have a Web page on their server.  This is also free, though, and
if you don't already have a personal home page, this is as good a place
as any.
> Thanks.

You're very welcome! 8-{)>

/s/ Rich.V.

Richard J. Violette    | 1200 Court House           | "He chose to be
Catalog Librarian I    | Boston MA 02108            | rich, by making
Social Law Library     | Vox: (617) 523-0018, x318  | his wants few."
rviolett at socialaw.com  | Fax: (617) 523-2458        |       --Emerson

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