web email

Earl Young eayoung at bna.com
Thu Jan 9 06:36:56 EST 1997

     I have been doing some work on hotmail for two and 1/2 weeks - the 
     price and the ability to get messages from any browser attracted me - 
     and find it a little unreliable.  I have sent messages which have not 
     arrived, some messages with attachments do not include the attachments 
     once they arrive at hotmail, and in general I have not found it to be 
     as reliable as other sites.
     I have sent the firm several emails to their support address inquiring 
     about these issues, and have not received any response.  I must add 
     that the firm where I work is not involved in any official testing of 
     hotmail, and the opinions as to hotmail service are my own.  It is 
     also possible that I just got them at a bad week.
     I have noticed that over the last four days my messages are getting 
     through - including SOME (not all) of the attachments - but perhaps 
     this is just a good week.  I have not been online there long enough to 
     know for sure.
     I believe that every message I have sent from hotmail has arrived at 
     its destination, and it offers the VERY nifty ability of allowing me 
     to log into my email sites on my ISP - so that I can get email from 
     those sites without having to dial in.  Since it's free, hotmail is 
     worth a bit of investigating - but so far not as an "only" site.
     Earl Young

______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: Re: web email
Author:  roehf at nslsilus.org at INTERNET
Date:    1/9/97 1:02 AM

Some of our patrons have been using HotMail <http://www.hotmail.com>. 
Accounts are free and accessible thru the Web.  
Frances E. Roehm
Reference Librarian
Skokie (IL) Public Library
Phone:(847) 673-7774  Fax:(847) 673-7797 
E-mail: roehf at nslsilus.org
On Wed, 8 Jan 1997, Susie Breidenbach wrote:
> Does anyone know of any sites on the web where one can get a free email
> account?  I don't mean regular ISP's...I mean sites where people go and sign 
> on and have an account--all via the web.  
> Thanks.
> Susie Breidenbach
> Bedford Public Library
> Bedford, Indiana

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