Web TV - another thought

Gary E. Masters GMASTERS at tamiu.edu
Fri Jan 17 09:58:52 EST 1997

Have been following the WEB TV discussion with interest and agree with most 
of what I have read.  One thing not mentioned is that WEB TV may be an attempt
to come up with the "Killer app" to get people to buy high definition
television  when it comes out.  I could go into details, but I suspect that
most can 
fill in the blanks.  But if peiope can see a better screen and all, it may 
convince them to switch.  Ordinary NTSC television is quite good now and
many may not change for just a bit better television.  But a digital screen 
is another matter.

By the by, when the new high definition sets are selling at a premium, something
like Gateway's Destination may be a low cost way to get the same reception.
I don't know about this but Brett Glass (InfoWorld's helpful person) seems
to think that is a possibility.

Gary E. Masters
Automated Services Librarian
Texas A&M International University
(210) 326-2137 (voice)
(210) 326-2120 (fax)

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