Library Channel

Judith Falzon jfalzon at
Mon Apr 28 13:30:25 EDT 1997

> concerning Ohio libraries and The Library Channel.  
> I would be interested in hearing opinions.  

I saw a demo of The Library Channel. It is pretty, but there is no
question that it is a censoring device...or selection device (depending
on your viewpoint.)

My personal opinion was that it is a very expensive way NOT to have
Internet access but have the illusion of Internet access.. It defeats the 
purpose of Internet access since it can (and will) be used to prevent
following links. If you investigate popular sites you will see
that a good part of their value is that they are derived from
pooled expertise by linking sites.
Oh Kids, Sports Illustrated for Kids, and especially Yahooligans
arenot of much value without site-linking abilitles.

I was left chilled by the demo.
My opinion only.

I was also puzzled by the OPLIN decision which supported local decision 
making and control but yet imposed a network level "solution."  

 Judy Falzon
Technology Coordinator
Sandusky Library
Sandusky, OH

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