Clearing Browser's history (WAS: Privacy ...)

Bill Moseley moseley at
Fri May 17 10:47:00 EDT 1996

At 06:57 AM 5/17/96 -0700, Ted Koppel wrote:
>>From George Jenkins's original message:
>*To clean up Netscape's (v1.1) multitude of *.MOZ history files, I have the
>*following command at the end of my autoexec.bat file:
>*del c:\temp\*.moz
>    George:
>    Did you mean history files or cache files?
>    In Netscape 2.02 (the one I am using), the cache file extensions are no
>    longer uniformly .MOZ; they can be .gif, .jpg, .htm, or with no
>    extension at all.  

You may find that using the DOS command DELTREE takes the guessing out of
what files to delete.  Just delete the entire directory (and subdirs if any)
and then recreate the tree using MKDIR commands.  But if you set the disk
cache to zero maybe you won't have any files to worry about deleting in the
first place.

BTW - I forgot what the issue is.  Why would you want to clear the cache?
The cache will make Netscape run faster and reduce (by a tiny bit) the load
on the net.

RE: History: I don't remember about 16 bit Netscape, In 32 bit version
(2.01) just simply set the history to "expire after 0 days" and links will
never be followed.

If you are using Windows 95 (32 bit version) you can export the entire
Netscape parameter section of the registry to a text file.  Then this file
can be imported into the registry each time the computer starts by using
regedit in DOS mode.  This will restore Netscape's parameters (including
screen size and location) each time the computer starts.

 What seems to have remained stable since version
>    1.1 is that the cache files all start with "m0".  The principle of what
>    you wrote is correct - you could delete all of \temp\m0*.*.  To do a
>    complete job, you would need to also delete the FAT.DB (in version
>    2.02, I'm not sure what it was called in 1.1) which keeps track of the
>    m0*.* files.
>    If you meant history files, you will also want to delete the
>    c:\netscape\netscape.hst file as well.
>    Ted
>Ted Koppel * The UnCover Company * The CARL Corporation * tkoppel at
>                  Work: 770 242 8733 Fax: 770 242 8511
>		  ------------------------------------

Bill Moseley
mailto:moseley at

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