"Editing" Netscape 2.0?

Thomas Dowling tdowling at ohiolink.ohiolink.edu
Thu Mar 14 16:44:32 EST 1996

I've gotten a couple pointers to Carol Leita's
information on getting permission from Netscape.  Thanks.


From: 	Bruce R. Heimburger[SMTP:brh at agrl.lib.sc.us]
Sent: 	Thursday, March 14, 1996 4:31 PM
To: 	tdowling at ohiolink.ohiolink.edu
Subject: 	Re: "Editing" Netscape 2.0?

 Several months ago on this listserv Carole Leita recommended that Netscape be contacted for 
permission to edit the browser, listing the specifics of what we wanted to change.  I did this 
and received a fairly speedy reply granting permission to edit several of the functions.  In the 
meantime, and after purchasing Borland's Resource Editor, I learn that we can bring Netscape up 
in kiosk mode with the "-k" switch.  I had even corresponded with Netscape about whether their 
browser had a kiosk mode and was told it didn't!

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