ExisNet Pulling Plug on Library

C. W. Tazewell cwt at exis.net
Sun Jul 21 19:25:12 EDT 1996

     "this account will be turned off"
     ExisNet is pulling the plug on The Hampton Roads Central Library.  
They have given us five days notice without previous warning even
though service is paid for three more months in advance.
     Sorry for any inconvenience and confusion in your not being 
able to access files on ExisNet.
     The Front Entrance and main home page of The Hampton Roads Central 
Library has been changed to URL:
     Have asked ExisNet to honor and respect the three-months advance 
payment so the files can stay there for that period to help with the 
transition and reduce confusion.
     Other pages and links will be moved to InfiNet - right away if 
necessary, and soon, otherwise.  If you can't access files on ExisNet, 
try InfiNet.
     URLs will be http://www.infi.net/~cwt/(plus rest of previous URL).
     More info will be put on the Master Provider Page:
     Please use the email address cwt at infi.net instead of cwt at exis.net.  
          Will print and libraries survive the Internet?
                 The Hampton Roads Central Library
             (You don't drive to it; you point to it.)
                Your *REASON* to have the Internet
Front Entrance                E A S Y   L I N K S - Your WWW Hotlist
http://www.infi.net/~cwt/     http://www.infi.net/~cwt/easylink.html

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