Web access to Access (now to dBase)

emiller at smtpgwy.isinet.com emiller at smtpgwy.isinet.com
Mon Jul 1 18:08:30 EDT 1996

     We are in the process of developing searchable journal lists of the 
     journals used in our products, including Current Contents and the 
     Science Citation Index.  We are utilizing a Web-based search engine 
     (Verity) which is now a part of the Netscape Commerce Server software. 
     Since I am not the programmer, I can't give you all of the details. I 
     do know that we are populating a database with our data (it lives on a 
     mainframe now) and that database will be searchable using the Verity 
     I can also tell you that there are other search engine resources 
     available and information about them can typically be found through 
     Yahoo under Computers & Internet:Internet:World Wide Web: Databases 
     and Searching.  There is a lot of information out there. I only wish I 
     could tell you more.
     Elisa Miller                            "Whatever you can do or 
     Institute for Scientific Information    dream you can, begin it.
     3501 Market Street                      Boldness has genius, power
     Philadelphia, Pa 19104                  and magic in it."
     (215)386-0100 x 1395                                   Goethe
     emiller at isinet.com
     URL - http://www.isinet.com

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Subject: Re: Web access to Access (now to dBase)
Date:    7/1/96 4:44 PM

On a similar note, our journals list is in dBase.  Anyone know of a good
way to search and display this information through the web?

DeAnne Luck
Electronic Resources Librarian
Austin Peay State University
LuckDL at apsu01.apsu.edu
From: IN%"lHassett at dwebb.llu.edu"  1-JUL-1996 15:06:45.31
To: IN%"web4lib at library.berkeley.edu"  "Multiple recipients of list"
Subj: Web access to Access Database

     Has anyone out there created a database in Microsoft Access and 
     successfully made it searchable from their webpage?
     The database was made in Access version 2.0 for Windows 3.1.  It is 
     set up as a runtime version, meaning it doesn't need the main Access 
     2.0 application to run.
     The database is of our journal title holdings (we currently don't have 
     any other automated system for this) and is set up to do searches on 
     title, keyword, and subject fields.
     I have looked around some for solutions (script libraries, Microsoft's 
     Web page on Access).  Exactly how to make this connection work is 
     still not clear to me.
     Anybody ever done this?  Or, any tips on what online or print sources 
     I could go to for specific answers?
     Your help and ideas are much appreciated.
     Leslie Hassett, Librarian
     Loma Linda University

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