Where to post Lib.Automation ads?

Bruce Gilbert, Avatar of Library Systems BRUCE at LIB.DRAKE.EDU
Wed Jan 17 11:00:16 EST 1996

From:  Peter Graham, Rutgers University Libraries
>We've had some difficulty in getting good candidates for a library automation
>position of some stature by advertising locally, and wonder what people feel
>is a good venue for ads nationally.  The Chronicle and College & Research
>Libraries have not traditionally been the place for lib. automation per se,
>but perhaps they should be?  Meanwhile, what other places do people use (or
>have used with success)?  Including both print and electronic, by the way. 
>Please respond to the list as I suspect this is of general interest.  --pg

The following assumes you're looking for an "academic" automation 

If you post 'em in the Chronicle of Higher Ed., as well as PACS-L,
I'd think everybody "suitable" would find them; that is, if they
don't know about these two sources (and how to find 'em on the
Internet) what kind of automation librarian are they?

('Course, it wouldn't hurt to post 'em here and elsewhere, but I
really think you're going to get 90+% of your responses from the

 Bruce Gilbert          http://www.drake.edu/bgil/www/bruce/bruce.html
"Even the modern great library is not generally consulted; it is 
  nibbled by a few."   Vannevar Bush, "As We May Think," 1945.

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