Reset Netscape to HomePage Timer - follow up question

Peter C. Gorman pcgorman at
Wed Jan 31 09:59:44 EST 1996

>Lwilliam at posted a query to the list about this a week or so
>ago.  We at Pasadena Public Library are also using Netscape for public
>terminal use and could use help with figuring out how to get Netscape to
>automatically return to our home page after a set time of inactivity.
>Thanks in advance for your time and assistance.  kgoguen at
>Krista Goguen, Pasadena Public Library, 818-405-4279.

You can use this markup:


The <meta> element is part of the document's <head>. This has the
advantages of 1) being "legal" HTML, and 2) working, at least with
Netscape. The value in CONTENT is in seconds. Note carefully the placement
of the quotes; they surround the entire contents of the CONTENT attribute,
*not* just the URL. Netscape's documentation says that you should only use
full URLs in this header, but partials seem to work.

Remember, this will probably only work with Netscape (but it shouldn't harm
other browsers), and of course you can only use it in pages that you
control. When a patron leaves your machines on the Penthouse page, you
won't be able to time it out.

Hope this helps,

Peter C. Gorman
University of Wisconsin General Library System
312F Memorial Library
728 State St.
Madison, WI 53706
pcgorman at

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