recommendations needed for a good web design book

Bob Long bob at
Tue Dec 17 14:30:26 EST 1996

At 10:51 AM 12/17/96 -0800, Karl Pearson wrote:
>Just curious -- why do you think "librarians will probably hate it 
>because it goes against the grain"? How so?

I think some of the responses to this topic make the point very well.
        Also, I thought it only fair that Mr. Siegel be allowed to reply to
this. Here is his response:

"In defense of my book, I would say that you must read it before
criticizing. It's now in its third printing in 5 months, so you'll have to
contend with me either way. I am an invited member of the W3C's review
boards for HTML and Style Sheets, and have been working on style sheet
issues for over a year. My company just designed the "made with CSS" logo
for the W3C. I mention style sheets in my book, which was written last May.
I am a well respected member of the working committees on these issues and
Yale's IT department recently invited me to come speak to their people on
web design issues. I hope to get the people together to write a follow-up
book on style sheets. For the record: Netscape is quite reluctant to play
by consortium rules and do everything they can to avoid compliance. It is
safe to say that their commitment to CSS is mostly lip service and that
full support of CSS will manage to lag considerably behind "improved"
versions, like JSSS. Stay tuned for more developments, and give my book a
thorough read before giving it the finger."

Thank you,

David Siegel              415 278-9900 x22     fax 278-9911

S T U D I O   V E R S O   512 2nd Street, San Francisco, CA 94107

"And now, cried Max: Let the wild rumpus start!"

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