ILL forms

Laura Hudson hudsonl at
Tue Aug 13 10:38:31 EDT 1996

Here is a condensed version of the answers I've received regarding my query 
about cgi scripts for ILL forms.  

Thanks so much to everybody answered my call for information--I may be in 

Many kind people offered to share their scripts with me.

Several people pointed me to Jim Robertson's "Library Forms" page at
with the idea that if I saw an ILL forms system that I liked, I could 
contact the library individually.  

Similarly, several people pointed me towards the web4lib "summary of ILL web 
request forms" available from the web4lib archives. 

The most useful ILL form, for my purposes, that I've seen was from Lawrence 
Berkeley Laboratories, at
It sends ILL requests to a database and also sends a message to the ILL 
staff alerting them that they have a new request; it also includes 
interactive error checking.

An ILL request form kit is available for download at:
This is the type of form which sends email to an ILL staff account.  


Laura Hudson
Reference Librarian
Ohio University Libraries

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