alternate approach to FirstSearch Scripting

Jim Dryden jdryden at
Fri Apr 5 15:27:36 EST 1996

WebScript for automating FirstSearch access via WWW--despite its 
perceived problems--looks like something to consider for access from our 
library terminals. The problem is our http server is Windows NT, and the 
script is currently available for Unix platforms only. Is anyone out 
there in the same situation and looking for ways around this?  Has someone 
tried to port it to NT yet? OCLC is reluctant to do anything with the 
script as it now exists, and I'm looking for options.


James M. Dryden, Reference (jdryden at 
The University of Kansas Regents Center Library
12600 Quivera Rd.
Overland Park, KS 66213
(913) 897-8571 Fax: 897-8573

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