clarification on TCP/IP and Windows 95 question

Kay McCoy mccoykay at
Tue Nov 7 16:06:53 EST 1995

I have received several replies to my original request for help in making
Windows 95 successfully TCP/IP, and I thank everyone very much.   But - I
just want to clarify before others spend any time replying, that I am not
dialing into my router.  It's a direct cable link between the computer's
network card and the router.  If I understand all this correctly, then using
the dial-up networking part of windows 95 is not going to help me.

Thanks again for any help.


Kay McCoy     mccoykay at
Automation Manager                        531 Summit Street    
Fayette County Public Libraries        Oak Hill, WV 25901      
                                                phone/fax: 304-465-5664     
 "it's a long way back to Eden,
      so don't sweat the small stuff"
                 Steven King (Insomnia)

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